spanish language schools spain

Spanish Language schools Spain, Spanish Language Courses

Spanish is the second most spoken language in the world and it is increasing in number of speakers. Come to Spain and learn Spanish in our Spanish Schools and the beautiful cities we offer you.

Check out some of the reasons why learning Spanish in our Spanish Schools in spain will be great for your future...

  • An estimated 1000 Spanish words have been adopted by other languages such as French, English and Japanese.
  • In 15 years there will be an estimated 500 million Spanish speakers in the world!
  • Some of the jewels of world literature are written in Spanish, including Don Quijote de la Mancha, One Hundred Years of Solitude and many more.
  • Spanish is the official language in more than 22 countries.
  • There are more than 35 million Spanish speakers in the USA alone.
  • Spanish is an official language in the EU, MERCOSUR, UNESCO, the UN, GATT, ONUDI & U.I.T.
  • There are over 16,429 Spanish-language journals, 254 television channels and 5,112 radio stations!

Spanish Language Schools in Spain

With nearly 20 years of experience teaching Spanish as a foreign language, 20 excellent course options, and 12 fantastic school locations, Spanish Schools in Spain is what you're looking for to get you on the road to learning Spanish!

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